Company history
1945 – On 23 November 1945 an interstate agreement was signed between the Czechoslovak Republic and the Soviet Union on surveying, mining and supply of radioactive raw materials to the Soviet Union.
1946 – On 1 January 1946 uranium industry was introduced to Jáchymov, known for historic silver and uranium mining, called Jáchymov Mines, national enterprise. This national enterprise was subordinated to the Central Directorate of Czechoslovak Mines of the Ministry of Industry.
1955 – The name Jáchymov Mines, national enterprise, was cancelled and the Central Administration of Research and Mining of Radioactive Raw Materials (Czech abbreviation ÚSVTRS) with eight organisational units was established for uranium mining and processing, and for construction and engineering activities.
1960 – The headquarters of the ÚSVTRS was transferred from Jáchymov to Příbram, into the area with the most extensive mining activities.
1967 – The name abbreviated as ÚSVTRS was changed to the Czechoslovak Uranium Industry (Czech abbreviation ČSUP), subordinated to the Ministry of Mining.
1976 – The state economic organisation called Czechoslovak Uranium Industry, Příbram Concern, was founded.
1988 – As at 1 July 1988 the state enterprise called Czechoslovak Uranium Industry (ČSUP), Příbram Concern, was established.
1989 – The Government adopted a resolution of 19 October 1989 on attenuation of uranium mining and related activities. This decision launched extensive restructuring of uranium industry, accompanied with considerable limitation of all activities, including production of uranium concentrate and privatisation of activities not directly related to mining and processing of uranium ore.
1991 – In connection with termination of uranium ore mining from the Příbram deposit the headquarters of ČSUP was moved to Stráž pod Ralskem. This act was accompanied by a number of organisational changes in connection with restructuring of the manufacturing and trading activities of uranium industry.
1992 – The ČSUP state enterprise was renamed to DIAMO, state enterprise, Stráž pod Ralskem (as at 1 May 1992), and privatisation of some of the branches of DIAMO, state enterprise, was commenced.
Construction of the Háje Underground Gas Storage Tank was commenced.
1993 – After the split of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic the DIAMO state enterprise became the legal successor of ČSUP and owner of the equipment operated in the territory of the Czech Republic.
1994 –2000 – DIAMO, state enterprise, continued in the process of privatisation and transformation to market economy, with continuous decrease of uranium production.
1995 – Commenced liquidation of the uranium mine called Hamr I.
1996 – Commenced liquidation of chemical extraction of uranium from the deposit at Stráž pod Ralskem.
2001 – On 1 November 2001 the former state enterprise Ore Mines was merged with the DIAMO state enterprise.
The DIAMO state enterprise executed a long-term procurement contract for the years 2001–2005 with ČEZ Prague, joint-stock company.
2002 – On 1 January 2002 the state enterprise acquired the liquidated part of the Ostrava-Karviná mines called ODRA branch.
2004 – On the basis of Government Resolution No. 1128/2003 the Barbora Locality of OKD, joint-stock company, was merged with the state enterprise with effect as of 1 January 2004, including the centre for payment of social benefits to miners pursuant to Act No. 154/2002 Coll., and Government Resolution No. 913 of 1999.
2005 – Approved Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 1316 for extraction of the remaining uranium from the Rožná deposit in the locality of Dolní Rožínka, allowing for mining and processing until 2008, and executed contract with the National Property Fund on reimbursement of costs connected with liquidation of chemical extraction of uranium at Stráž pod Ralskem in the amount of CZK 1,948 million for implementation of investment projects of elimination of consequences of chemical uranium extraction.
2006 – The significant increase of world uranium prices created a prospect for continued mining at the GEAM branch even beyond 2008, and the state enterprise sold part of its production abroad for prices facilitating effective extraction.
2007 – Government Resolution No. 565 related to extended uranium mining from the Rožná deposit in the locality of Dolní Rožínka, merger of Remediation Works Ostrava branch and ODRA Ostrava-Vítkovice branch into one entity – ODRA Ostrava-Vítkovice branch – with effect as at 1 February 2007.
2008 – Government Resolution No. 15 of 9 January 2008 – on the proposal for settlement of damages from unresolved commitments related to transfer of the bankrupt limited liability company OSTRAMO, Vlček a spol., to state ownership in the context of the bankruptcy proceeding.
Commencement of the construction project for “Processing of stock liquor plant” at Stráž pod Ralskem with the total costs exceeding CZK 1.4 billion, significantly shortening rehabilitation of the Stráž deposit.
Commencement of a project financed from EU funds – Operational Programme Environment: “Rehabilitation and Re-Cultivation of Old Environmental Burdens after Uranium Ore Processing at MAPE Mydlovary“.
Commenced works on extraction of the OSTRAMO lagoon content.
2009 – Commencement of operation of the “Processing of stock liquor plant” at Stráž pod Ralskem.
Government Resolution No. 1584 of 21 December 2009 in relation to the Report on the Critical Financial Situation of State Establishments Implementing the Process of Elimination of Consequences of Mining Activities and Remediation of Environmental Damage in 2010 and following years.
2010 – Commenced “Rehabilitation of the Territory Burdened with Hazardous Waste Storage at Pozďátky”.
Completion of technical works on the significant project financed from the Operational Programme Environment at Mydlovary.
2011 – Commencement of digging works in the context of the project of construction of the underground gas storage tank at Rožná.
Completed extraction of the designed volume of material from the OSTRAMO lagoons.
2012 – Completed installation of the technology of neutralisation and decontamination station NDS 10 and commencement of trial operation of the technology in July.
Completed works on “Liquidation of Processing Plant Premises at Příbram – Březové Hory, including remediation of the surrounding land”.
2013 – Launch of routine operation of the Technology of Neutralisation and Decontamination Station NDS 10.
2014 – Commenced “Rehabilitation of Surface Mines” and “Liquidation of Chemical Treatment Plant” at Stráž pod Ralskem from the funds of the Operational Programme Environment.
The Government of the Czech Republic approved in its Resolution No. 1086 of 22 December 2014 continued uranium mining and processing at the Rožná deposit until 2017, without demand for state funding (i.e. as long as economically feasible).
2015 – Completed liquidation and rehabilitation of the last surface premises of underground uranium mines at Stráž pod Ralskem.
Executed implementation contract for extraction and liquidation of over-balance sludge from the OSTRAMO lagoon.
2016 – Major historic milestones: 70th anniversary of uranium industry in the Czech Republic and 50th anniversary of the Uranium Mines purpose-built organisation.
Extraction of the millionth tonne of contaminants from the Cenomanian aquifer affected by technological solutions resulting from chemical extraction of uranium from the deposit at Stráž pod Ralskem.
Commercial mining at the Rožná deposit was closed by Government Resolution No. 50 of 25 January 2016 as of 31 December 2016.
2017 – Major historic milestones: 60thanniversary of the start of uranium ore mining at the Rožná deposit.
A contract has been signed to ensure the operability of the Bukov Underground Research Institute between the state enterprise DIAMO and the Radioactive Waste Repositories Authority.
Rehabilitation of the Heřmanice dump started, operation of a separation line for tailings homogenization started.
Extraction of the last uranium ore vehicle from the Rožná Mine on 27 April 2017, ending the 60year era of uranium ore mining in the Dolní Rožínka area.
Investment project for the reconstruction of NDS technology 6.
Ceremonial awarding of the Prize for safety in mining - Zlatý Permon - to the state enterprise DIAMO, to the branch GEAM Dolní Rožínka.
Pursuant to Government Resolution No. 655 of 18 September 2017, securing financing for costs and expenses associated with resolving the consequences of chemical uranium mining and related activities in the Stráž pod Ralskem area for the period 2018–2022. Based on the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 610 of 4 September 2017, a change in the method of financing the above-mentioned costs from 1 January 2019.
By Government Resolution No. 713 of 11 October 2017 on the Report on the Need to Ensure the State's Economic Interests in the Use of Critical Superstrategic Raw Materials of the European Union and Certain Other Raw Materials, the Government of the Czech Republic imposed the state enterprise DIAMO in cooperation with the Czech Geological Survey The Czech Republic as state property and to compile a proposal for further action in their acquisition.
Commencement of work on the contract "CORRECTIVE MEASURES - OSTRAMO LAGOONS, overbalance sludge", removal of the remaining 91 thousand tons of sludge from OSTRAMO lagoons.
2018 – Ceremonial opening of the newly built workshop complex at shaft No. 16 of the Uranium Deposits Administration, Příbram.
Completion of technical reclamation within the remediation project Restoration of runoff conditions in Nová Ves, representing the cleaning and modification of the banks of three ponds and the laying of a new discharge and overflow pipeline.
Construction of a memorial site on the pit depression of pit No. 3 of the Hamr I Mine.
DIAMO, state enterprise, organized the Mining Symposium in Jihlava under the auspices of the Czech Mining Authority, the Employers' Association of the Mining and Petroleum Industry and the Mining Union.
Completion of the project "Rehabilitation of the area in the area of the former bituminous mixture packing plant in Milevsko".
Completion of construction and start of operation of the reconstructed technology of the neutralization and decontamination station NDS 6, branch TÚU, Stráž pod Ralskem.
2019 – Major historic milestones: 70th anniversary of the start of uranium ore mining in the Příbram region.
Purchase of part of the enterprise – lagoon water treatment plant in Ostrava and provision of treatment of heavily contaminated water from the area of oil lagoons after the OSTRAMO chemical plant by our own DIAMO through the ODRA branch in Ostrava.
Disposal of one million tons of contaminants on the technology of the Neutralization and decontamination station of the mother liquors of branch TÚU in Stráž pod Ralskem.
Meeting the partial deadline for the disposal of oil sludge in the OSTRAMO lagoon complex in Ostrava. At the end of the year, the company AVE CZ exported waste management s.r.o. according to the plan, a total of 30 thousand tons of treated sludge for ecological disposal.
2020 – Commencement of a geological survey of gold reserves in Zlaté Hory in the Jesenice region.
Completion of the ten-year project "Large Methane", which includes a system of technical measures to protect the Ostrava-Karviná agglomeration from the threat of uncontrolled emissions of mine gases to the surface, especially methane. In connection with the project, the ODRA branch in Ostrava took over all safety elements of anti-methane measures and activities related to mine gas outlets in the Ostrava region and ensures their operation.
Launch of the international project LIFEPOPWAT financed from the LIFE program, focused on the construction and verification of the effectiveness of a unique technology based on artificial wetland systems for the treatment of pesticide-contaminated water in the dump of the former Hájek quarry in the Karlovy Vary region.
Signing of the Agreement on Cooperation in the Operation of the Bukov Underground Research Center between the state enterprise DIAMO and the Radioactive Waste Repositories Administration to ensure work until 2030 with the possibility of extension until 2035.
Completion of liquidation works in the area of the former Křižany Mine I branch TÚU and construction of a wetland.
Commencement of the process of gradual transfer of damped mines and mining areas of OKD, a.s, into state property, with the right to manage for the state enterprise DIAMO on the basis of Government Resolution No. 949 of 21 September 2020 on the draft procedure of the state enterprise DIAMO to eliminate the consequences of mining activities within individual mines and related mining areas of OKD, a.s.
Following the Government Resolution No. 949 of 21 September 2020, the establishment of new branch plants of the state enterprise DIAMO from 29 October 2020, namely the HBZS branch in Ostrava and the DARKOV branch in Karviná.
2021 – Following Government Resolution No. 949 of 21 September 2020, the purchase of parts of the OKD, a.s. plant, to the state property, with the right to manage them for the state enterprise DIAMO, and their takeover by the spin-off plant DARKOV in Karviná - as of 1 January 2021 of the attenuated mines in the Útlum-South and Útlum-North areas (Staříč Mine, Frenštát Mine, Dukla Mine and Lazy Mine), including the related mining areas of Staříč, Trojanovice, Petřvald I, Dolní Suchá and Lazy, and as of 1 January 2021 of the mining areas of Staříč, Trojanovice, Petřvald I, Dolní Suchá and Lazy. March 2021 of the decommissioned mines Darkov and CSA, including the related mining areas Doubrava u Orlové, Karviná - Doly I, Karviná - Doly II and Darkov.
Signing of a four-party Memorandum of Cooperation for the transformation of the area after the end of mining in the Moravian-Silesian Region between the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the state enterprise DIAMO, the Moravian-Silesian Region and the regional company Moravian-Silesian Investments and Development.
The entry of the state enterprise DIAMO into the St. Barbara Society, which helps orphaned children and families of miners and other mine employees.
Building of an accredited testing laboratory at the ODRA branch plant in Ostrava for measuring and evaluating the output of mine gases.
Completion of the extension of the crown of the dykes of Phase II of the tailings impoundment at the Uranium Mining and Processing Branch at Stráž pod Ralskem and extension of the storage area for further storage of neutralisation sludge generated during neutralisation of residual technological solutions after chemical uranium mining at the Stráž pod Ralskem site.
15 years since the establishment of the International Training Centre "World Nuclear University - School of Uranium Production", operated under the auspices of the World Nuclear University in London and in cooperation with the international nuclear organisations OECD/NEA and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation on the revitalisation of sites damaged by coal mining between the State Enterprise DIAMO and the Statutory City of Ostrava.
The first demolition of an unnecessary mining facility since the takeover of the decommissioned mines from OKD at the beginning of the year - the destruction of the steel bridge in Paskov in the Frýdek-Místek region, which was used to transport tailings from the Paskov Mine treatment plant to the heap.
Establishment of a new spin-off plant of PKU on 1 December 2021, following the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, discussed by the Government of the Czech Republic, to merge the state-owned enterprises DIAMO and Palivový kombinát Ústí on 1 January 2022.
2022 – Significant historical milestones: the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the ODRA spin-off plant in Ostrava.
The merger of the state-owned enterprises DIAMO and Fuel Combine Ústí by merger on 1 January 2022 and the integration of PKU's activities in the areas of brown and hard coal and oil extraction in Northwest Bohemia, Trutnov, Kladno and Hodonín under the PKU spin-off plant.